Mastering MS Word


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How will this course help me? 

Save time and frustration when working with Word!  Do you need to produce long documents, manuals, or terms and conditions?   Is autonumbering causing issues, and going wrong?  This course will explain how you can make autonumbering work, how headings can add structure to your document, and how you can produce a table of contents.   


Who should do this course? 

Anyone who works with long documents.  IF you are working on policies, a manual or a legal document that including a lot of clauses, this will save you time and effort. 


What will you learn? 

  • How paragraph settings work in Word 
  • Use of Headings and Styles 
  • Creating a Table of Contents 
  • Creating a style sheet 
  • Using the navigation pane to rearrange text 
  • Shortcuts and tips 


Pre Course Learning 

Have basic knowledge of using Microsoft Word. 


What will I get out of the course? 

You will be much more proficient in Microsoft Word, and it will speed up you formatting of documents.  You will also receive a certificate.