Excel Essentials
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Whether your Excel skills are a bit rusty, or you have found yourself in a job that where you need to use
Excel, this Course will give you a fundamental understanding of the package. We will help you understand
how a formula is put together, how to create your own spreadsheets plus tips for understanding
spreadsheets that have been created by other people.
Course Objectives
• To be able to create and edit simple formula and sum functions
• To understand and use appropriate data formats
• To increase understanding of other spreadsheets where there are formula and links
Course Contents
Formula and Functions
• Creating and entering formula
• Autosum & AutoFill
• Using autofill to create formulas, dates andheadings
Moving and Copying
• Cut/copy/paste
• Drag and drop
• Different number formats
• Clearing formats
• Format painter
• Changing column widths and row heights
Working with Tables and Data
• Creating a table
• Total row
• Filters and Sorting
• Conditional Formatting
Working with existing spreadsheets
• Understanding links to other sheets and files using the auditing tools