Making Documents Accessible


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How will this course help me?

In 2018 the Government set out guidelines for the Public Sector that defines how websites and documents should be displayed.  These guidelines are intended to ensure that people with machine readers can access the information, as well as those who find it difficult to read on screen.  This course will show you how you Word document can be accessible prior to being published on a website or emailed out.

Who should do this course?

Anyone working in the Public Sector such as Parish Councils, Town Councils.  It would also be useful to anyone who puts documents in the public domain, and wants to ensure accessibility for all.

What will you learn?

How to check that the document is accessible, as well as learning about font, sizing and colour considerations.  The course also explains how to use Headings, and how you should deal with pictures and tables.

What Equipment do I need?

You need a computer or laptop and access to Word.

What will I get out of the course?

You will be able to produce documents that are accessible and meet the Government Guidelines for the Public Sector.

